
Sunday, August 26, 2012


I was born a sufferer
I suffer for the basic things of life
That many take for granted

I suffer for food, clothing and shelter
I suffer for love, life
And the hope that things
Will be better

I’m hungry and poor
I need help but I’m ignored
I called to you every day
That passed me by
With my saliva drenched mouth
And my tearful eyes

Sufferer, yes, I’m a sufferer
Some say tearful eyes
But I can`t taste it
Because it`s been too long since
I ate a meal

tearful eyes
These streets
I tread looking for bread
I was born a sufferer
I will have to suffer
Till I’m dead

1 comment:

  1. this is the kind of stuff my book is made of. sufferer is from my book available at
