You don`t know my story
You`ve never listened
To my song
You`ve only choose
To accuse me
Of all the things I’ve
Done wrong
But I’m here by faith
It is the only thing which
Keeps me going on
Many days I can`t lift my eyes
unto the hills
Because they are heavy
With tears
So I choose to get down
On my knees
And cried to the only person
I knew would understand
The language of my tears
But you see
You`ve never had trouble
And you`ve never had pain
You`ve never been out
Of water
And just dying for the lord
To send some rain
You`ve always had people
That cared about you
So you`ve never felt ignored
Every now and then
So you can stand there
And pretend
But the lord is my witness
Because he`s the only one there
When I’m having sleepless
So when you see me smiling
Smile with me
And if the Holy Spirit prompts
Pray for me
Because there is nothing
Than a Christian family
Lord I give you all
My praises
And rejoice thankfully
That throughout my storms
You calmed the mighty winds for